It's funny how life works.  My two year XL project has stretched to nearly nine years and there were times I thought I would never see N601TJ fly.  I worked hard thru last winter and this spring  had everything in place to truck the pieces to my hangar at the airport and put it together (and fly) when my right hip, which had nagged me with on-off pain and other problems for some time, finally got critical. In a final irony, the plane was ready but the pilot was not.  I just couldn't do the things needed to wrap it up.

As I write this I am sitting in a rehab facility near my home after having a total hip replacement on Monday.  I put the surgery off until after Oshkosh because I did not want to miss my 40th consecutive EAA Convention.  Thank goodness for the mobility scooter rentals.... they allowed me to get where I needed to go. As to the surgery, it was funny when they rolled me into the operating room in that many of the surgical instruments would have looked at home in my shop :-)  I won't kid you, it hasn't been fun but one of the goals that has kept me going and feeling positive is the thought that I will someday join the rest of you who have taken a plane into the air that is the product of your own labors.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not looking for sympathy.  I think the whole building experience has had a positive effect on my life, a new hip being just a bump in the road. I'm just writing this to tell those of you who are still building not to be discouraged.  Many things will happen to slow or stop your progress but if you persist in your dream and keep working one day you too will take wing......


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Speedy rehab!!!

Hey Tim,

I think we all have those bumps from time to time. Stay dedicated to the rehab, it makes a big difference. I look forward to seeing another Michigan 601 in the air soon. Have a speedy recovery!
Peter B in Howell


Thanks for the positive story for us all.

I have been waiting nearly a year for the first flight of my 650 while I finished my sport pilot licence and now transition training in a friends 650.

After 7 years so close, but yet so far.

Best of luck with your "B" mod hip. Hopefully a more comfortable hip while all those log book hours pile up after rehab.


You've taken more time than you would like to get the plane to where it is, and you've suffered a temporary setback, but your waaaay ahead in the Good Works department! Thanks for your active participation in the forums! I know for certain that your insights and experience have helped and encouraged many other builders!



If Bo Jackson can play football after a hip replacement, we certainly hope you can finish and fly your 601!!  As I am sure you know, doing the therapy, and working hard at it, is key to recovery. 

Good luck,


Tim...with a super attitude like that, you'll get your baby flying and it will be sweeter than you can imagine!!  Best of luck with rehab.



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