HI I was wondering 

I would like to build some vgs  for my 701 wings and elevator , can anyone help with some dimensions


 jim miller scratch builder

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Hi Jim, There is a video from Bob Jones on this site as well a blog about vgs from Sebastien Heints. Also a company called I think stolspeed has done alot of research and sells them for the 701. I did make some Vgs for my 701 but can not remember the size at the moment. My 701 is 3 hours away. I will dig one up and post picture here. You can order from Zenith I think about $84.00. Where in BC are you? I am in the okanagan, Lumby.

Hi Patrick
sorry if you get this twice the battery on my lap top died and not sure if it went the first time
I am located in shawnigan lake on vancouver island
how did your vgs work did you remove the slats or did you just put them on the elevator
i have seen the video from bob jones and the blog from sabastien and have seen the stolspeed site all very cool info and its great to have this site to be able to talk to fellow 701 builder and flyers .
In the spirit of scratch building i would like to build my own vgs, i have a sheet metal shop with all the tooling i need so im just after the hights,lenths angle ext .
i was just in you neck of the woods at my sons hockey tourneyment ,nice country ,would have loved to see your plane
any info reguarding the vgs is greatly appreciated just send it to my page
talk soon thanks jim miller
scratch builder
Jim, I have not installed the VG's yet. I was waiting on weather to test fly but was not co-operating, so decided to paint plane. In about two weeks I will be back at airport hopefuly to test fly. Once I have test flight done I am going to install Vg's on elevator only and keep the slats. Reason being as I am registered as a Advance ultralight. If you can hang on for two weeks I will measure the ones I made, when I am back at airport. I got the measurements from somewhere, but cannot remember where(I copyed some one else.).

good luck on the test flight ,no hurry on the vgs i have lots to do as you can see from my pictures .do you have any pictures with your plane painted ,still pondering what colour to paint mine .picking up a subaru engine ea 81 this week end ,i flew a friends savannah with a subaru and i was most impressed, lots of power and very quiet.
thanks and keep in touch
jim miller
scratch builder
Jim, I will post some pictures when the plane is back together. I change my mind 3 or 4 times on the paint colour and scheme, that was a tough decison for me. I looked at the subaru as a engine choice but in the end went with the Rotax 912. With the 701 you have to watch the engine instalation weight, (nose heavy). The idea engine according to Zenith and others is the Rotax 912s (100HP).

Will keep in touch
Hey jim..

Check out this... http://www.ronleclerc.net/vortex-gen.html

Maybe that should help...
hi ron
thats great info thanks ,appreciated
jim miller
scratch builder


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