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Anyone put an aerocarb on a CH750? Were you able to install the throttle on the panel? Dual throttles? Mixture knob or use the aerocarb special? Is it an improvement over the Bing? Worth the cost? I've run out of upgrades to do; getting bored; need a winter project.
Like you, I needed a project and love to experiment, so I switched from the Bing to an AeroInjector (latest version of AeroCarb). I have 100's of hours experience with it in my STOL CH750/Jabiru 3300 and have a lengthy, detailed thread in the forum located here: AeroInjector TBI Carb
Not required, but I used a McFarlane "vernier assist" throttle and a "vernier assist" mixture control. These allow you to make coarse adjustments without any sort of lock or button and then have a vernier action for fine adjustments. However, you will have to have a throttle direction reversing bell crank or devise some sort of mechanism to operate the slide on the AeroInector "backwards" since the throttle action is reverse of conventional carbs. I made my own reversing bell crank which is described here: Throttle Reversing Bell Crank
That's a lot of information to digest but I recommend you read the entirety of each thread. But, to summarize the key points:
If done correctly, I've found it to be a very predictable and dependable carb and my EGT balance improved. Installation allowed removal of the airbox and carb heat muff for a total weight savings of 8 lbs (that Bing is heavy!). I like having a mixture so I can deliberately run the engine rich when additional cooling is needed in a hot and long climb, etc. I get slightly better fuel economy in cruise. I wouldn't consider going back to the Bing now that I have mine so well dialed-in!
Great info; thanks
I installed the Aeroinjector, did the tune procedure, and discovered it was within specs right out of the box! 100 degree drop from lean to rich at full power. I didn't even open the adjustment tab but took off for a test flight. At about 500 feet RPM began backing off and I was looking for a place to set it down. I took a chance and started leaning; that brought the RPM back up to almost full power. After a normal landing I retested the tuning and it was so rich it would hardly idle. When I did remove the plastic cap on the needle adjustment, I discovered that there was no "set screw"; the needle carrier was free to move and had backed out to a rich position. I found the "setscrew" in the throttle body. I retuned but full power was less than before.
I couldn't adjust the needle carrier to a leaner position. The Aerocarb tech suggested I return the slide and carrier for their inspection. They judged the carrier and slide as "incompatible". A different slide worked with my carrier and a different carrier worked with my slide; but, they didn't work together. They sent back a different carrier and adjustments were possible.
I was able to make adjustments but still couldn't get full power. After a lot of head scratching, I took a close look at the Aerocarb air filter element. It was almost fully blocked. Even pressurized air blowing through the element could hardly be felt by a wet finger. I don't know whether the filter came that way or if it was contaminated by the rich fuel mixture. There was no soot in the manifold or carb body.
I guess it's too late to make a long story short but after weeks of trouble, I'm flying again!
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