18 months ago I applied for a third class medical as a student pilot. I was denied because of one medication I take, a blood thinner Which is required because of a stent that was used to repair a vessel that was damage due an injury.  My doctor says that there is no reason I can't resume any and all activities with no restrictions.

It took the FAA three months to respond with a letter requesting more information. They wanted a whole series of test, stress test, blood work, electro cardiogram, a heart sonogram, well you get the picture and since my health insurance would not cover these test it is out of pocket for me.

After spending several thousand dollars for test again , I hopefully submitted the requested information.

Seven months later I again get a letter saying that they would not issue a medical certificate until I submitted more information, they also said that since so much time had passed since I had responded to the first request I would have to repeat several of the test. More expenses.

After much hand wringing I spent the money and repeated the test. Carefully sent all the information to them. With high hopes I waited another 7 months before a response cam back from the FAA.

You can only guess my frustration when they said again they would not issue a medical certificate. 

They were again requesting a new series of test for the medical certificate.

The one test that I find unusual is they now want a full  SLEEP! Study. Not sure what that has to do with getting a pilots license.

I tried to call them to find out why they were making this so difficult, they were almost hostile when I tried to ask them a question. They said that if I persisted they would put my request back to the bottom of the pile adding more time.

I am now to a point of just giving up. Without that medical certificate I can not continue my training.

Just would like to know if anyone has a suggestion as to how to get past this.

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I have no idea if the opportunity will exist this year at AirVenture, but I had a friend with a medical problem he couldn't resolve with Oklahoma City and he met face-to-face with a FAA doc at AirVenture and it was quickly resolved after that meeting!  If you're going to AirVenture, it might be worth an inquiry.



It may be too late for you but but I have had excellent results with AOPA's medical PPS advocating on my behalf with the FAA to resolve my medical issues.



You dont need a medical for a sport pilot (lsa) liscense, may need to find a sport pilot center but your hours should transfer over....if you're just trying to get in the air that is. 

Unfortunately, I believe that because Van was denied a medical certificate, he is now ineligible to use a driver's license in lieu of a medical. It seems the FAA can certainly be very unreasonable when they want to be.


You can only use your driver’s license for soort medical if you’ve never failed a faa medical. Once you’ve failed a medical, you can’t fly anymore at all.

You need an AME who specializes in heart specifics to deal with the idiots that run FAA medical. There’s a DR here in PHX, John Raniolo who’s an aerospace cardiologist that should be able to help, or put you in touch with a doc near you who can help. You can look him up on the Google, or on the FAA’s AME search page. Once you get that medical, immediately switch to basic med if you aren’t planning to fly for a living. 

Thanks to all who commented, and the suggestions, it is appreciated.

But I think I will give it up at this point, I'm at an age (72) where I don't have the time or energy to persue it any further.

Again thanks to all who stopped by...

Imay be in the same boat. 70 yrs young. I am going for the sport pilot liscense. If that fails, paramotoring trike here I come! Good luck and do not give UP!!

Don’t rule out FAR Part 103 flying. No medical needed and really, it’s as close to flying like a bird as you can get.

And many of the newest crop of Part 103 legal ultralights are actually real airplanes. Small ones, and slow, and litmited by rule to one seat, but they look and fly like real airplanes, unlike the kites that started the ultralight movement decades ago.

I am 73 and still doing okay with flying traditional airplanes, but when the system "gets" me the plan is for a nice "real airplane" ultralight.

By the way, the comment that once denied a medical you cannot fly Light Sport on a drivers license is true, unfortunately. If you jump through the hoops and get a medical, you could then let that one expire and be legal to fly on a drivers license. However, you cannot have a denied medical as your last interaction with the system.

Good luck!

Wow!...I'm kinda in the same predicament,  earned my PPL/ASEL in the mid 80s. Accumulated a few hours, then life got in the way. RETIRED in 2018, then in 2019 I had heart surgery to replace 2 valves. I don't know if I should try to get a copy of my certificate, skip the medical and fly Basic Med or if I can go the Light Sport route ( pretty sure I can keep a 750 STOL under 1320 ). I'm really reluctant to call any attention to myself with Big Brother for anything,  but I loved night flying and it would be nice to exercise all the privileges I earned. Either way it goes, I'm definitely going to complete the build and I'll be flying from my own property with no ATC for miles. I'm clearly going to have to do more research into my options, maybe even consult with an aviation attorney, might be $$$well spent. 


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