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flew into 10th hour with viking eng. purrs like a kitten. the n,w, is smoky with all the fires. still able to fly.  living the dream

Added by Randall Wade Grandpre on September 22, 2012 at 11:27pm — 2 Comments

Flaperon Root Ribs Finished

Flaperon bellcranks installed to ribs with solid flush rivets to keep gap to fuselage small. Used countersunk Cherry rivets in the two spar end brackets. These end ribs are thicker that the other ribs (.025). I had used the original thicker ribs elsewhere in the flaperons and had to reorder these.

So far , I have not made any mistakes I couldn't overcome with…


Added by Steven Winn on September 20, 2012 at 9:50pm — No Comments

Jury Struts fitted

Jury struts fitted and ready for paint. Messed one up. Had to order more tubing.

Added by Steven Winn on September 20, 2012 at 9:27pm — No Comments

Wing connections complete

Fuel, fuel vent, Pitot, AOA, ground, Nav light, and fuel level connections complete.  Root fairings fitted.

Chips are from drilling up root fairings. I should have vacuumed before pic...

Added by Steven Winn on September 20, 2012 at 9:23pm — No Comments

Bungee heat part 2

After a few more flights testing heat ,i nmade a heat shield for the nose gear bungee

here is the pic just a simple piece of .016 sheet flanged on the ends and bolted on the the gear channel


I also made a simple 2 " lower lip on the…


Added by Tracy Buttles on September 19, 2012 at 4:03pm — 3 Comments

Moving from trial to real project

About a year ago, after spending time investigating a number of options for kit aircraft, I decided to get the rudder kit from Zenith via the UK (South) agent Gary Johnson. It took me a long time to build the rudder through being busy with work and other interests, and having to acquire tools along the way. Recently I got to the stage of having the rudder completed and primed except for riveting the skins on; I took it to Gary, in his capacity as Inspector for the Light Aircraft Association…


Added by Lindsay Pennell on September 15, 2012 at 2:44pm — 1 Comment

One Year progress report

One year ago, 9/11/11, I stopped at the factory and picked up a rudder kit.Then I did the unthinkable I ordered a whole kit.CH 650 B

I got the wings, rudders,elevators, done and test fitted, flaps and ailerons done,the rear fusalege is riveted and the front I am in process of riviting. All deburred.  Engine ordered from Viking for Dec. delivery  I know I got a long way to go but happy where I'm at.

Added by Marvin W Miller on September 14, 2012 at 5:16pm — No Comments

Trim Tab

Spent time this weekend working on the trim tab assembly. Have opened the cutout for the push rod and have temporarily mounted the servo motor. Everything is drilled out to final size, but not riveted yet. Probably the last time I'll work on the plane until after Open Hangar Weekend. Look forward to seeing and meeting many of you there!

Added by David A. Judkins on September 9, 2012 at 10:28pm — No Comments

Bungee cord heat testing

I have had two bungee cord fail on a 750 in the last few hours

not this is on a 750 with a zenith Rotax FWF kit


 Just the way that they failed made me think that it might be a possable heat issue

I know that I had not been hard on the bungee

 so i put a remote temp sensor on the area of the bungee that had failed

also I did some…


Added by Tracy Buttles on September 4, 2012 at 4:01pm — 6 Comments

Labor Day Weekend

More work on the elevator Saturday and again today, Monday. Have drilled spars ribs and skins to final sizes and about ready to disassemble for priming. Worked on fitting the upper and lower horns today.

Added by David A. Judkins on September 3, 2012 at 5:35pm — No Comments




A while back, my friend and former leader, Gene Kranz, gave a speech to the folks at Kingsville Naval Air Station.  As a result, he was invited to tour an aircraft carrier.  Not only that, he could also bring along some friends, of which, I was one.  Humbly, I must admit, we were considered distinguished visitors.


At first, I thought we would fly commercial to a navy base and board a docked…


Added by Chuck Deiterich on August 31, 2012 at 7:14pm — 8 Comments

Zenith Tech Support.... Awesome!

Zenith is a Great Company to work with! I have been struggling with the skin on my Horizontal stab. I happened to be working in Mo this week so i threw it in the truck and stopped by Zenith. Steve and Roger not only gave me tech support, but helped me get eveything just right. Steve also gave me several pointers and showed me some hand made tools that he uses for muniplating the parts. I Can't say thanks enough! Ok, I will Try Thanks Roger and Steve for your help. Thanks Sebastien for having…


Added by Doug Schmalzel on August 31, 2012 at 1:44pm — 2 Comments

STOL CH 750 Factory Demo #1 ...after the storm

Here's an update on our original STOL CH 750 Factory Demonstrator airplane, N750ZZ.  This is the airplane that was flipped over in the Sun'n Fun "tornado" last year.

First, let's review briefly:  This was the Zenith booth right after the tornado passed through at Sun'n Fun 2011 on March 31.  Even though this looks like a war zone, we thank God that no one was physically injured:…


Added by Sebastien Heintz on August 31, 2012 at 11:30am — 2 Comments

Grandson help

I moved my 601XLB to the airport a couple of months ago for final assembly. A week or so ago, I took my grandson along while I did some measurements for the seat cushions. He wanted to sit in the cockpit, which was fine by me. When I turned around, I found him making very careful, but of course meaningless measurements, along the top of the pilot side.

I don't think he really understands what we're doing, but I figure the early exposure to airplanes can't hurt anything.…


Added by Jim B Belcher on August 28, 2012 at 2:39pm — 5 Comments

Recovering from Oshkosh 2012

It is hard to believe that it is nearly one month since the annual pilgrimage of the faithful came to an end.   We are all back in Ghana, and busy getting ready to start 4 more girls from the bushlands on a 4 year programme of learning to fly, build and maintain aircraft, run an airfield and use a well as drive a tractor and a truck!  …


Added by Jonathan Porter on August 28, 2012 at 3:20am — 4 Comments

Jabiru Service Bulletin #JSB 033-1

On August 17 2012 Jabiru issued JSB 033-1. The subject is Piston Circlips. There are two types of circlips: type A and type B imentioned. The type A can cause engine damage and have been installed in some engines. The serial #s of the affected engines and a piston kit with invoice dates 10-Oct 2011 to 28 June 2012 are listed on the 1st page on the service bulletin. The affected engines have to be disassembled and type A clips replaced w/ Type B clips.

Added by charles hughes on August 27, 2012 at 10:17am — No Comments

How to calculate glycol Radiator needed to cool your engine ???


This is a very interesting question, especially if your engine shows signs of overheating while inflight...

I built a CH701 and, for the engine package, I decided to go with an auto conversion done by a pro.

The engine is a Subaru EA-81 reworked to produce 105hp at 5600rpm. It came with its matched redrive and it works pretty good.

The preferred water cooler for this setup is a radiator from a diesel VW Rabbit/Golf but I was told that something else,…


Added by Normand Lambert on August 23, 2012 at 1:00am — No Comments


Put the horizontal stabilizer issues aside and concentrated on the elevator assembly yesterday. Rib assembly is built and cleco'd. Tips are drilled but need to do some sizing on the hinge pins. Got the rear channel assembly built and installed. Should finish elevator next weekend. Will then resume work on the stabilizer. Looks like I'll be able to use A5 rivets where I have had some rivet removal damage, thus saving me from having to purchase a new stabilizer skin!

Added by David A. Judkins on August 20, 2012 at 7:07pm — 1 Comment

Trip Report #1

I really like reading trip reports, so here is my first trip report of hopefully many more. I have flown many cross country trips before but they were in my Beaver RX550 ultralight. This trip was the first long(ish) flight that we have taken with our CH601XLB. It was almost a year ago that Dave, Glen and myself bought this 601 from Howard Parr. Howard lives in Regina,…


Added by Joe Harrington on August 19, 2012 at 8:00pm — 8 Comments

Chasing perfection

Drilled and clecoed my right wing top skin yesterday. Today I turned the wing over, jiged it up and drilled the bottom skin. Rechecked all measurements with main spar at 9 degrees and both spars centered bubble level. All measurements were exact except one spar tip was off 1mm. I just can't seem to get anything perfect!

Added by Jim Palmer on August 18, 2012 at 9:14pm — 11 Comments

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